We confirm recent results about the differences in temperature and mag
netic field strength between the umbra of large and small sunspots. Fi
ve Stokes I- and V-spectra from the darkest cores of three different u
mbrae have been analysed with the inversion code of the radiative tran
sfer equation by Ruiz Cobo and del Toro Iniesta (1992). The run with d
epth of temperature, magnetic field (strength and inclination) and vel
ocity along the line of sight are obtained. The larger sunspots turn o
ut to be cooler and possesing a larger magnetic field strength, practi
cally throughout the whole atmosphere. Neither significant gradients o
f the line-of-sight velocity, nor of the magnetic field inclination, a
re detected in any of the spots analysed. Two model atmospheres are gi
ven corresponding to hot (small) and cool (large) sunspots. The models
are, to a large extent, free from effects of penumbral/photospheric s
tray-light because it is nearly absent in the large spots and because
in the small one, where it is important for the Stokes I-profile, only
Stokes V is considered to obtain the model atmosphere. These are the
first umbral models in the literature for which a simultaneous determi
nation of the magnetic field and thermodynamic stratifications is pres
ented. The implications of these stratifications for the energy transp
ort in sunspot umbrae are discussed.