Kj. Stout et La. Blunt, APPLICATION OF 3-D TOPOGRAPHY TO BIOENGINEERING, International journal of machine tools & manufacture, 35(2), 1995, pp. 219-229
Traditionally, quantitative measurement of surface texture has been ca
rried out using contacting stylus instruments yielding purely 2-dimens
ional topographical information. Recently, there has been a great expa
nsion in this field through developments in instrumentation and comput
ers which now make 3-dimensional surface measurement a routine procedu
re. The latest instruments measure roughness ranges from nanometers up
to millimetres. In conjunction with the development of these new tech
niques a new range of numerical parameters are currently being develop
ed in an attempt to establish a basis for new international 3-dimensio
nal surface measurement standards avoiding the ''parameter rash'' prob
lems encountered in the development of 2-dimensional surface measureme
nt. Primarily the new measurement techniques can be divided into conta
ct (employing styli) or non-contact measurement (employing mostly inte
rferometers or focus detection systems) regimes. Despite the commercia
l availability of many of these new systems they all possess certain i
mportant drawbacks as far as their wide applicability is concerned. Tr
ue quantitative 3D surface measurement has meant that the field of app
lications of these techniques. has expanded enormously, from the tradi
tional 2-dimensional area of quality monitoring of machined surfaces i
nto 3-dimensional measurement fields ranging from ultra-fine thin film
measurement of dermatological cancer studies. A relatively new and de
veloping field of application of 3D analysis is that of bio-engineerin
g where the surface topography is of extreme importance in areas such
as joint prosthesis surfaces replacement heart valve seal quality and
contact lens quality. The present study presents a review of a number
of the new measuring systems available and their associated numerical
characterisation methods. A number of bio-engineered surfaces are give
n as examples covering four decades of vertical measurement range in o
rder to illustrate the data sampling techniques, measurement strategie
s, range to resolution and instrument selection issues.