The available antihyperlipidaemic drugs are generally safe and effecti
ve, and major systemic adverse effects are uncommon. However, because
of their complex mechanisms of action, careful monitoring is required
to identify and correct potential drug interactions. Bile acid sequest
rants are the most difficult of these agents to administer concomitant
ly, because their nonspecific binding results in decreased bioavailabi
lity of a number of other drugs, including thiazide diuretics, digital
is preparations, beta-blockers, coumarin anticoagulants, thyroid hormo
nes, fibric acid derivatives and certain oral antihyperglycaemic agent
s. Although the incidence is low, nicotinic acid may cause hepatic nec
rosis and so should not be used with drugs that adversely affect hepat
ic structure or function. With the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, relat
ively new agents for which clinical data are still being accumulated,
the major problems appear to be rhabdomyolysis, associated with the co
ncomitant use of cyclosporin, fibric acid derivatives or erythromycin,
and mild, intermittent hepatic abnormalities that may be potentiated
by other hepatotoxic drugs. Fibrates also have the potential to cause
rhabdomyolysis, although generally only in combination with HMG-CoA re
ductase inhibitors, and are subject to binding by concomitantly admini
stered bile acid sequestrants. The major interaction involving probuco
l is a possible additive effect with drugs or clinical conditions that
alter the prolongation of the QTc interval, increasing the potential
for polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.