Maize endosperm vitreousness is an important characteristic of kernels
for the dry milling industry because of its influence on the percenta
ge of flaking, coarse and regular grits obtained by industrial process
ing. Vitreousness, like other kernel characteristics, may depend on ge
notype, cultural conditions and kernel position on the ear. The object
ives of this research were to study the variability of kernel vitreous
ness within the ear and the effect of nitrogen an this characteristic.
Field experiments were carried out in 1990 and 1991 al Colmar (Alsace
, France), Hybrids DEA and ROSSO were grown in field plots at two nitr
ogen levels. Ears were collected al maturity and kernels from five cla
sses from the bottom to the tip of the ears were dissected. The dry ma
tter weights of all kernel parts decreased from the bottom to the tip
of the ear. The highest proportions of horny endosperm were found on t
he extremities of the ear. Nitrogen influence on vitreousness was posi
tive in 1990 and associated to an increase of the kernel weight. In 19
91 nitrogen gave the heaviest but also the most floury kernels in DEA,
and negatively influenced vitreousness without modifying kernel weigh
t in ROSSO. In our research the variation in kernel vitreousness was m
ore important among years than between kernel positions in the ear or
between nitrogen treatments, which had only a minor effect.