Photonic packet switches offer high speed, data late and format transp
arency, and flexibility required by future computer communications and
cell-based telecommunications networks. In this paper, we review expe
rimental progress in state-of-the-art photonic packet switches with an
emphasis on all-optical guided-wave systems. The term all-optical imp
lies that the data portion of a packet remains in optical format from
the source to the destination. While the data remain all-optical, both
optical and optoelectronic techniques have been used to process packe
t routing functions based on extremely simple routing protocols. An ov
erview of the design issues for all-optical photonic packet switching
is given and contrasted with electronic packet switch implementations.
Low-level functions that have been experimentally implemented include
routing, contention resolution, synchronization, and header regenerat
ion. System level demonstrations, including centralized photonic switc
hing and distributed all-optical multihop networks, will be reviewed.