Dh. Fishbein et M. Reuland, PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF DRUG-USE AMONG JAILINMATES, Addictive behaviors, 19(6), 1994, pp. 583-598
The comorbidity of drug abuse and various forms of psychopathology is
pervasive and well documented. In particular, the incidence of depress
ion, anxiety, and antisocial personality disorder is high among substa
nce abusers relative to non-drug abusers. Offender populations have a
high rate of substance abuse, and some studies suggest that the incide
nce of psychopathology may be even greater than in other drug using gr
oups. In order to identify specific types of psychopathology as they r
elate to drug preferences and frequency of use among drug-using offend
ers, arrestees at the Baltimore City Detention Center were examined. D
uring extensive interviews, drug-abusing arrestees provided informatio
n pertaining to their backgrounds, childhood histories, biological rel
atives, present behaviors, and criminal and drug histories. Additional
ly, several psychological inventories were administered to evaluate th
e presence of depression, anxiety, psychopathy, and impulsivity. Resul
ts indicate that the frequency with which subjects reported using spec
ific drugs and drug of choice were significantly associated with parti
cular measures of psychopathology. A composite measure of psychopathy
was especially related to the frequency of alcohol, marijuana, and coc
aine use. Subjects who reported using cocaine on a frequent basis scor
ed high on measures of hostility and reported committing more property
crimes, while violent crimes were more likely to be reported by subje
cts scoring high on the measure of psychopathy. Other noteworthy findi
ngs will be discussed along with the limitations of this study.