The existence of a model for a logic program is generally established
by lattice-theoretic arguments. We present three examples to show that
metric methods can often be used instead, generally in a direct, stra
ightforward way. One example is a game program, which is not stratifie
d or locally stratified, but which has a unique supported model whose
existence is easily established using metric methods. The second examp
le is a program without a unique supported model, but having a part th
at is ''well-behaved.'' The third example is a program in which one pa
rt depends on another, illustrating how modularity might be treated me
trically. Finally we use ideas from this third example to prove a gene
ral result from Apt and Padreschi. The intention in presenting these e
xamples and the theorem is to stimulate interest in metric techniques,
and is not to present a fully developed theory.