This paper presents a study Of the effects of annealing on the microma
gnetic properties of encapsulated Permalloy films. The stress relaxati
on during annealing causes observable changes in the micro-magnetic st
ate of the permalloy. The amount of stress relaxation is highly sensit
ive to the shape of the Permalloy film. and the encapsulation material
. After Permalloy films with negative magnetostrictive coefficient are
annealed, the easy axis of bar-shape yokes remains in the transversal
direction while those of ring-shape yokes and heart-shape yokes rotat
e so that the easy axis is normal to the film edge. The annealing prop
erties of bar-shape Permalloy films in six different encapsulation str
uctures are compared. Permalloy films encapsulated entirely in hardbak
ed photoresist are consistently more stable. The uneven external stres
s is absorbed by the relatively softer hardbaked photoresist buffer la
yer and is re-distributed evenly to the Permalloy. A better control of
the anisotropy of the Permalloy yoke can be obtained by placing a har
dbaked photoresist buffer layer between the alumina overcoat and the P