This article focuses on acquaintance rape, which under Canadian law co
nstitutes a form of sexual assault. Frequency of acquaintance rape oft
en is underestimated due to under-reporting, resulting in a local perc
eption that acquaintance rape rarely occurs in a small Canadian commun
ity. A survey was conducted to determine whether acquaintance rape doe
s occur in this community. One hundred sixty-four male and female stud
ents from grades 8-12 completed a questionnaire. Twenty-six percent of
respondents reported being forced into some type of sexual activity.
Based on the survey, this article explores the type of force used, the
relationship, between acquaintance rape and use of alcohol and drugs,
and the relationship between acquaintance rape and the ability to ind
icate to a partner to stop a behavior. Results confirmed a need to dev
elop programs to prevent rather than merely respond to issues of sexua
l assault on a date.