We report two cases of intrapulmonary lymph nodes detected by a chest
roentgenogram or CT scan. The first patient was a 61-year-old fisherma
n referred complaining of cough and hemosputum. Chest roentgenogram sh
owed a subpleural small nodular shadow at the superior segment of the
right lower lobe. Thoracotomy showed a small anthractotic lymph node.
The other case was a 68-year-old female patient admitted for further e
xamination of a subpleural small nodular shadow at the latero-basal se
gment of the left lower lobe detected on a chest CT scan. Thoracoscopi
c surgery revealed that the black nodule was an anthracotic lymph node
. The appearance of an intrapulmonary lymph node on radiological exami
nation is rare, however, it should be considered in the differential d
iagnosis of a solitary or multiple peripheral pulmonary nodules in adu
lts. A small nodular shadow should be resected if malignancy is suspec
ted though not proven. Subpleural intrapulmonary lymph node warrants t
horacoscopic surgery.