Neutron diffraction results on single crystals of CsCuCl3 in high magn
etic fields are reported. The fields were applied parallel (up to abou
t 6.5 T) and perpendicular (up to 8.5 T) to the c axis of the hexagona
l crystal. For the parallel field a spin-flop-like change in the magne
tic structure at fields above 5.6 T was observed close below the Neel
temperature. The magnetic phase diagram has been determined in the tem
perature range between 9.6 K and T-N = 10.675 K. In the perpendicular
field the magnetic satellite reflections, originating from the helical
magnetic spin structure of the Cu ions, shift their positions in risi
ng field, indicating a stretching out of the helices. The results are
interpreted in the light of recent theoretical predictions about the t
ransitions being triggered by quantum or thermal fluctuations. In addi
tion to determining the spin structures, we find that the critical exp
onent beta is close to 0.25 in the low-field phase and probably close
to 0.125 in the high-field phase.