An inverted step burner has been designed in which a steady ethylene,
recirculating flame is established. The burner was housed within a ver
tical wind tunnel. Laser extinction was used to determine the soot vol
ume fraction in the recirculation zone. Temperatures were determined b
y a thermocouple. One-dimensional laser-Doppler velocity (LDV) measure
ments were obtained with a frequency shift system to measure the flow
field in the recirculating flame. All the measurements were obtained f
or a fixed ethylene flow rate; a low and a high velocity in the approa
ch flow were investigated. Variation in air velocity changed the struc
ture of the flame. At low flow conditions, the soot loading has two di
stinct peaks at the lower and upper edge of the flame. At the higher a
ir velocity, the upper part of the flame has a much lower relative soo
t loading as a result of the shorter residence time. The location of t
he peak values of the soot also changed with the residence time. The p
eak temperature was of the order of 1600 degrees C. The soot loading w
as low in the regions of high temperature and relatively high in regio
ns of low temperatures, reflecting the important role of thermal radia
tion in these luminous flames. The LDV measurements were used to revea
l the nature of the flow field. The local soot loading in the flame in
creased as the approach flow velocity increased; this result suggests
the possibility that soot may continue to grow when it is recirculated
to regions of growth in a flame.