Antibodies against factor VIII occur in about 15-35% of hemophilia A p
atients and induce refractoriness to factor VIII substitution. In most
cases, these antibodies are of the IgG class. Strategies to avoid or
to treat such inhibitors are controversial. In very rare cases, factor
VIII inhibitors also develop in nonhemophilic patients. Although ther
e are anecdotal reports that these antibodies may disappear spontaneou
sly without occurrence of bleeding tendencies, in the majority of pati
ents the clinical course is characterized by severe hemorrhages. From
1980 to 1995, we observed ten nonhemophilic patients with acquired fac
tor VIII inhibitors at our hospital. In most cases, a sudden bleeding
tendency was observed shortly after an injury or surgery. Coagulation
tests showed a prolonged aPTT and a decreased F VIII level. Other defi
ciencies of blood-clotting factors and acquired or hereditary von Will
ebrand's disease were excluded. Therapy with F Hemophilia VIII concent
rates did not produce the expected increase. Measurement of F VIII inh
ibitor levels in Bethesda units/ml (BU/ml) revealed maximal values in
Introduction the range of 2-128 BU/ml. Immunosuppressive therapy with
azathioprine or cyclophosphamide in combination Antibodies with methyl
prednisolone led to complete disappearance of the inhibitor, normaliza
tion of the coagulation tests, and complete remission of the bleeding
tendency in seven treated patients within 6 weeks. Although the clinic
al course is not predictable and inhibitors may disappear spontaneousl
y, combined therapy with methylprednisolone and azathioprine or cyclop
hosphamide is recommended for patients with bleeding tendency. In preg
nancy, therapy should be started only with methylprednisolone; post-pa
rtum, azathioprine should be used additionally if methylprednisolone a
s a single drug does not lead to complete remission. In emergency situ
ations, therapy with high doses of human factor VIII concentrate may b
e used. When bleeding does not cease, the additional use of activated
prothrombin-complex concentrates or porcine factor VIII is indicated.
Possible side effects may include hepatitis and short-lived intravascu
lar thrombin production.