Generalized idiopathic epilepsies starting between 12 and 18 years of
age are mostly represented by juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, juvenile ab
sence Epilepsy and grand-mal on awakening. The EEG and clinical descri
ption of the seizures, the different epileptic syndromes with their th
erapeutics, the prognosis and the familial forms with the molecular ge
netic aspects are studied The importance of the history for the positi
ve diagnosis is emphasized in order to display the often overlooked my
oclonies occuring in the morning. Differential diagnosis concerns most
ly absences which are sometimes difficult to separate from frontal sei
zures, and in the case of first generalized tonico-clonic seizure, par
tial epilepsy which needs further investigations, and the exceptional
progressive myoclonic epilepsy which begins the same way, but has a to
tally different prognosis.