The cases of eight patients who underwent elective surgery for blunt c
ardiac trauma are presented. All but one experienced multiple trauma a
nd the median Injury Severity Score was 26 (range, 18-59). A posttraum
atic cardiac defect was diagnosed from 1 day up to 6.5 years (median,
3 weeks) after the accident. These included mitral regurgitation (n =
4), ventricular septal defect (n = 2), atrial septal defect with mitra
l regurgitation (n = 1), and ventricular aneurysm (n = 1). Elective ca
rdiac surgery was performed from 4 weeks up to 12 years after the trau
matic event (median, 18.5 months). A history of blunt chest trauma req
uires careful clinical follow-up supported by echocardiography in asym
ptomatic patients. Surgical therapy is performed according to standard
techniques and the results are comparable with those of non-trauma su