An association between thrombocytopenia and thyrotoxicosis in a single
individual is well documented, and the theories for this event includ
e a common immunologic cause or a thyrotoxic-induced decrease in plate
let survival. We report the first description of the coexistence of au
toimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (AITP) and Graves' disease in severa
l members of the same family, in which four females were thrombocytope
nic and two of these were also hyperthyroid. All four patients had hig
h titers of antiplatelet antibodies, and the two hyperthyroid cases we
re positive for thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI). The familia
l occurrence of two autoimmune disorders is very uncommon, and suggest
s a genetic etiology. The HLA phenotype was determined and the antigen
s B8 and DR3, which are reported with high frequency in both diseases,
were present in three patients. Although the etiologic cause is still
unknown, our findings further support the theory that a genetic predi
sposition underlies autoimmune disease.