Many variants of the S49 mouse lymphoma cell have been isolated along
the pathway of cyclic AMP generation and response. Two such variants,
beta(p) and beta(d), were isolated by Johnson and colleagues and descr
ibed in 1979 [Mol. Pharmacol. 15:16-27 (1979)]. The beta(p) and beta(d
) Variants express one half and one quarter, respectively, of the wild
-type number of beta-2-adrenergic receptors. This observation has now
been extended through the use of DNA-excess solution hybridization. Us
ing this exquisitely sensitive technique for quantitation of gene and
mRNA, we have been able to demonstrate that the beta-2-adrenergic rece
ptor-deficient variant cells contain the same quantity of the beta-2-a
drenergic receptor gene as the wild-type cells. In contrast, the beta-
2-adrenergic receptor-deficient variant cells express reduced quantiti
es of beta-2-adrenergic receptor-specific mRNA. The amount of beta-2-a
drenergic receptor-specific mRNA correlates very well with the reducti
on in receptor expression in these cells. Both gene and mRNA in the wi
ld-type and variant cells appear to be the same size, as judged by Sou
thern and Northern analysis. Thus, the diminution of beta-2-adrenergic
receptors in the beta(p) and beta(d) variants appears to reflect prim
arily the relative paucity of gene transcripts in the variant cells. T
hese data imply that variations in cellular content of beta-2-adrenerg
ic receptor mRNA, which may occur among closely related cells, is one
explanation for differences in receptor number.