This study was undertaken to determine if the biological function of i
nducers for cell differentiation is affected by asbestos fibers, which
are sometimes deposited in human tissues. Protein kinase C activity,
c-myc protein expression and cell surface CR3 expression were used as
the markers of cell differentiation. The function of dimethylsulfoxide
(DMSO), an inducer of cell differentiation, was suppressed by the co-
culturing of crocidolite asbestos, because DMSO reacted with the hydro
xyl radical released after the stimulation with crocidolite and spent
itself. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) inhibited the effect of crocidolite
, reacting rapidly with .O2- before the secondary release of .OH. Asbe
stos fibers deposited in tissues may inhibit the function of inducers
which stimulate immature cells to differentiate, because such inducers
frequently are also radical scavengers.