No national data exist on the prevalence of cancer in the United State
s population. The authors report the first estimates of prevalence rat
es of cancer from a population-based sample of the adult population of
the United States. Estimates are based on responses collected from th
e Cancer Control Supplements of the National Health Interview Survey,
a population-based sample survey of all people older than 17 years of
age in the United States in 1987. Of 44,123 adults questioned, 1593 sa
id they had a nonskin cancer. In 1987, after adjustments, the overall
prevalence rate of all types of cancer, excluding nonmelanoma skin can
cer, was 3230 per 100,000 adults; the rates for men and women were 193
0 and 4412, respectively. The authors estimate that, in 1987, 5.7 mill
ion adults in the United States were survivors of nonskin cancer, 3.3%
of the adult population. Approximately 89,000 adults had cancer durin
g childhood, or 1.6% of the total. Approximately 3.6 million people we
re at least 5-year survivors and 900,000 adults had their disease diag
nosed during the year before interview. Despite the potential for unde
rreporting and misclassification, these national estimates are in gene
ral accord with figures estimated from other sources. Increasing survi
val after cancer, especially childhood and adolescent cancer, indicate
s the importance of continued monitoring to provide information needed
to plan for adequate services.