The Resource Conservation Group, Inc. seeks to lease Colorado River wa
ter to San Diego. This offer follows in the wake of the Galloway propo
sal which also sought to lease Colorado River water to San Diego. Howe
ver, the Galloway group could not get its proposal past the Upper Colo
rado River Basin Commission. It remains to be seen whether the Resourc
e Conservation Group can get the Upper Basin commissioners to see any
worth in its new scheme which like its predecessor proposal is likely
to generate an unfavorable response. The Upper Basin commissioners are
jealous guardians of the water originally apportioned to the Upper Ba
sin states under the Colorado River Compact of 1922(1) and are not lik
ely to approve the Resource Conservation Group's plans. This paper exp
lores the legal problems as well as the history behind the animosityto
wards this proposal.