Effects of furrow irrigation designs, water management practices (irri
gation scheduling, etc.), soil types and pesticide parameters on pesti
cide leaching were simulated. A hydraulic kinematic-wave irrigation mo
del was used to estimate water infiltration for alternative furrow len
gths and inflow rates. A one-dimensional simulation model then simulat
ed the movement of pesticides through soils following furrow irrigatio
n. Potential ground-water contamination by pesticides can be reduced b
y an integrated use of the best management practices (BMPs) such as ca
reful selection and use of pesticides, efficient furrow irrigation des
igns and improved water management techniques (irrigation scheduling,
etc.). Procedures for designing an appropriate furrow irrigation syste
m for a particular site and pesticide, and selecting pesticides for a
particular site, crop and furrow irrigation system are illustrated. Th
ese procedures are being used to develop decision support computer mod
els for developing different BMPs for pesticide-agricultural managemen
t decisions.