Cytoskeletal components have been visualized for the first time in red
algae using fluorescent labelling. Rhodamine-phalloidin was used to s
tain actin in a variety of filamentous species: Griffithsia pacifica,
Tiffaniella snyderae, Ceramium strictum, Antithamnion kylinii (Ceramia
les) and Audouinella dasyae (Acrochaetiales). immunofluorescent labell
ing of microtubules was obtained only in Griffithsia pacifica. In both
procedures, successful labelling was achieved only after wall digesti
on with glucuronidase and protocols using cellulase resulted in no lab
elling. Both microfilaments and microtubules formed extensive arrays i
n the peripheral cytoplasm of Griffithsia. Microtubules were associate
d with nuclei in these highly multinucleate cells, suggesting that the
y maintain the extremely regular nuclear arrangement. Dense labelling
of microfilaments occurred at rhizoid apices, however, this was not ob
served in apical cells, suggesting that two distinct mechanisms of tip
growth may be present. Of the algae studied, only Griffithsia formed
extensive peripheral arrays of microfilaments in all cells; the remain
ing genera showed actin labelling in a variety of different structures
including, long and short 'ropes' of varying thicknesses, basket-like
structures and 'spikes'. In Griffithsia extensive actin staining was
often associated with the pit plugs between adjoining cells. Cytoskele
tal components often showed a polar distribution with denser labelling
towards the bases or apices of cells. In dividing apical cells of Gri
ffithsia, a band of microfilaments was observed prior to deposition of
the new cross wall. These preliminary results suggest that cytoskelet
al studies will provide important insights into understanding developm
ent and cell function in red algae.