The effect of soil strength on the growth of pigeonpea radicles and se
edlings was investigated in cores of three clay soils prepared at diff
erent water contents and bulk densities in the laboratory. Radicle elo
ngation directly into soil cores was reduced from 50-70 mm d-1 at stre
ngths less than 0.5 MPa to 0 mm d-1 at 3.5-3.7 MPa. The response to so
il strength was affected by the water content of the soil, presumably
as a result of reduced oxygen availability in wetter soil. This effect
was apparent in soils wet to air-filled porosities less than 0.15 m3
m-3. Radicles were more sensitive to high soil strength (> 1.5 MPa) th
an were seedling roots which encountered the same conditions at 60 mm
in the profile. Radicle growth ceased at 3.5 MPa which reduced seedlin
g root growth by only 60%. Despite a 60% reduction in root length in t
he high strength zone, seedling roots compensated in zones of loose so
il above and below the compacted layer, and total root length and shoo
t growth were unaffected. There was no evidence of a 'root signal' res
ponse which results in reduced shoot growth in some species in respons
e to high soil strength. The proliferation of roots in surface layers
and the delayed penetration of the root system to depth in compacted s
oil are likely to expose seedlings to a greater risk of water-deficit
in the field, particularly under dryland conditions where plants rely
on stored subsoil water for growth.