Bs. Hersh et al., THE GEOGRAPHIC-DISTRIBUTION OF MEASLES IN THE UNITED-STATES, 1980 THROUGH 1989, JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association, 267(14), 1992, pp. 1936-1941
Objective. - To describe the geographic distribution of measles cases
in the United States by county for the 10-year period from 1980 throug
h 1989. Design. - Ecological analysis of national measles surveillance
data. Methods. - Measles cases reported to the Morbidity and Mortalit
y Weekly Report from 1980 through 1989 were analyzed. Data from the 19
80 and 1990 US censuses were used to produce demographic profiles for
each of the 3137 counties. Outcome variables examined included mean an
nual incidence and number of years reporting measles, with use of Spea
rman's rank correlation coefficients to examine the association betwee
n the demographic and the two outcome variables. Results. - A total of
56 775 measles cases were reported during the decade. Of the nation's
3137 counties, 1690 (53.9%) did not report any cases; only 17 (0.5%)
reported measles in all 10 years. Counties reporting measles more freq
uently during the decade had higher median populations, population den
sities, and percentage of black and Hispanic populations than those co
unties reporting less frequently. Population size, Population density,
and percentage of Hispanic population were associated with number of
years reporting measles and mean annual measles incidence rate. Measle
s cases in counties reporting measles every year predominately occurre
d in unvaccinated preschoolers; cases in counties reporting less frequ
ently predominately occurred in vaccinated school-aged children. Concl
usions. - This analysis illustrates the focal nature of measles in the
United States during the past decade. Most counties have not reported
a single case of measles during the entire decade, and only 17 counti
es reported measles every year. Targeted strategies are needed to impr
ove age-appropriate immunization levels among preschool-aged children
living in large inner-city areas.