Major advances have been achieved during the past 40 years in the epid
emiology, etiology, pathology, endocrinology, immunology, diagnosis, a
nd treatment of molar pregnancy (MP) and gestational trophoblastic neo
plasia (GTN). MP is now recognized as composing two distinct entities-
complete and partial, with distinct histopathology, genetics, and clin
ical presentations. Proper management is dependent on a thorough under
standing of each type. Early diagnosis and effective treatment of pati
ents with GTN has resulted in 100 percent cure rates in non-metastatic
disease and in the majority of patients with metastases. In most inst
ances, resistant disease leading to death results from delayed diagnos
is and overwhelming tumor burden. Moreover, in most instances successf
ul treatment can be accomplished with preservation of fertility and no
rmal pregnancy outcome anticipated. A rare variant of choriocarcinoma
called placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) has been described, w
hich, although curable by surgery when localized, is usually fatal whe
n disseminated. It is anticipated that during the decade of the nineti
es the scientific work in progress will lead to earlier diagnosis and
improved survival in resistant cases.