Although theoretical and empirical studies show that spatial heterogen
eity has important effects on the dynamics of populations and the stru
cture of communities, there has been little rigorous quantification of
terms like ''patchiness'' or ''spatial heterogeneity'' in studies of
lotic systems. In order to compare the spatial heterogeneity of differ
ent systems and understand the causes and consequences of that heterog
eneity, we must first be able to quantitatively measure it. Spatial he
terogeneity has many aspects that change with the scale of our observa
tions, so we need a battery of descriptive measures that explicitly co
nsider the scale-dependence of ecological pattern Response variables e
xhibiting similar frequency distributions (i.e., similar overall varia
bility) can have very different spatial distributions; consequently, d
escriptions of spatial heterogeneity require spatial data, i.e., data
related to geographic locations (maps). We review statistical techniqu
es for quantitatively describing aspects of heterogeneity in spatial d
ata, emphasizing the decomposition of heterogeneity into different sca
les of variation (trends, overall variability and spatial dependence o
r autocorrelation). Gradients in spatial data can be evaluated using t
rend analyses (e.g., regressions), whereas the spatial structure of va
riation around trends can be evaluated using geostatistical methods. T
he central concept of geostatistics is spatial dependence, which is th
e degree to which values of a response variable differ as a function o
f the distance (lag) between sampling locations. Semivariograms plot v
ariation among samples separated by a common lag Versus lag, and can b
e objectively decomposed by piece-wise regression techniques to estima
te the strength and scales of spatial dependence. A variety of other m
ethods can be used to quantify spatial heterogeneity from categorical
and numerical maps depending on the question of interest and the under
lying structure of the spatial data (e.g., methods derived from fracta
l geometry and information theory, nearest neighbor analysis, spectral
analysis, Mantel's test). Spatial heterogeneity in stream organisms i
s driven by local variation in environmental conditions, by interactio
ns between individuals of the same or different species, and by the ef
fects of organisms on their abiotic environment. By applying geostatis
tical methods to spatial data collected from field experiments, stream
ecologists can evaluate the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on
the spatial arrangement of organisms in streams. We present examples o
f data obtained from experiments examining how consumers affect, and r
espond to, spatial heterogeneity in their resources. The results indic
ate that consumer-resource feedbacks should be considered when modelin
g the causes and consequences of spatial heterogeneity in streams.