Recently, in vitro production of interleukin-2 receptor induced by mit
ogens have been shown to be imparied in autoimmune disorders including
organo-specific autoimmune diseases. The aim of this study was to inv
estigate serum levels of soluble interleukin-2 receptor in 20 untreate
d patients with Graves' disease and to follow up their changes in rela
tion to clinical picture and TSH-receptor-, anti-thyroglobulin-, anti-
microsomal as well as anti-eye muscle antibodies. Soluble interleukin-
2 receptor level was significantly increased in newly-diagnosed Graves
' patients compared to controls (667 +/- 270 vs. 205 +/- 45 U/ml) (P <
0.001). Among the patients sera those with active infiltrative ophtha
lmopathy had higher soluble interleukin-2 receptor levels than those w
ithout eye symptoms (810 +/- 313 vs. 525 +/- 180 U/ml). Soluble interl
eukin-2 receptor level was normalized in Methimazole-treatment-induced
remission in the majority of patients except those with ophthalopathy
. In five patients the soluble interleukin-2 receptor levels were stud
ied after interruption of thyrostatic therapy; an increase was observe
d in three patients; thereafter hyperthyrosis relapsed in two cases. F
urthermore, a correlation was found between soluble interleukin-2 rece
ptor levels and TSH-receptor antibodies, however, the association with
other immune parameters examined was not significant. In conclusion,
an enhanced level of soluble interleukin-2 receptor was detected in pa
tients with untreated Graves' disease. This finding might play a signi
ficant role in regulation of impaired cell-mediated immune mechanism a
nd has a prognostic value for relapse of autoreactive processes.