Women with a history of father-daughter incest as children often repor
t difficulty in parenting their own children. This study examined the
self-reported parenting experience and practices of women who were inc
est victims as children. Since many incest victims are also children o
f alcoholics, we compared their reports of parenting with those of wom
en whose fathers were alcoholic but not sexually abusive, and to women
who had no known risk during their childhood. The findings were that
incest survivors reported significantly less confidence and less sense
of control as parents than nonrisk mothers. In addition, they reporte
d significantly less support in the parental partnership with their sp
ouses, and reported being less consistent and organized, and making fe
wer maturity demands on their children. The findings are discussed in
terms of the incest survivor's sense of inefficacy and loss of control
, the potential of the marital relationship to buffer the adverse effe
cts of growing up in the dysfunctional, incestuous family, and future
research directions.