Geochemical and thermobarogeochemical study of El'jurtinsky granite ma
ssif rocks along the Tysnyauz deep bore hole shows that the later stag
es of centripetal crystallization of the intrusion (starting C(H2O) =
3,1%, T(liq.) = 895-degrees-C) under the 3,5 km depth crystalline crus
t a restite chamber (2-3 km3) has been formed containing low-temperatu
re (706-degrees-C), water- (6% H2O) and volatiles-enriched melt with h
igh concentrations of the elements having K(S/L) < 1 (W, Li), but depl
eted in the elements having K(S/L) > 1 (Ni, Cr, V, Ti, Mn, Mo). The dy
namics of water accumulation in the melt as the depth increased is in
accordance with the predictions of quantitative model of ''diffusion p
ush'' of mobile components aside of moving crystallization boundary. T
o explain the found metals distribution features the model have to tak
e into account transfer of the metals by ascending flow of gas bubbles
from the low crystallization boundary.