Syngenetic carbonate and silicate inclusions have been studied in clin
opyroxenes of leucite fergusite-porphyrys from an explosive pipe. The
same inclusions have been found in pyroxenes from carbonate vein in th
is rock as well. Calcite makes up 70 - 90% of the carbonate inclusions
and the rest of the vacuole volume is filled by daughter sillicate mi
nerals. Fine-grained groundmass of the vein consists of calcite, silic
ates and ore minerals. The following minerals have been found as daugh
ter in the inclusions: Sr-bearing calcite, zeolites of different compo
sitions, aegerine, nepheline, kalsilite, Ba-alkaly feldspar, leucite,
potassium feldspar, Sr-apatite, Ti-biotite, Ti-magnetite, Fe-sulfides
and other minerals. Zeolites have been found within solid inclusions i
n the clinopyroxene of rocks. The earliest minerals are enriched in K
and Ba whereas the later ones - in Ca, Sr, and H2O. Carbonate melt is
enriched in Ba, Sr, K, Ti, S, Cl, and P, H2O content was evaluated to
be 2 - 3 wt%. Homogenization temperature of the silicate inclusions (s
yngenetic with carbonate ones) is 1050-1100-degrees-C. The most high-t
emperature carbon-salt melts have been formed as a result of volatiles
-enriched basalt melt immiscibility to the silicate and carbonate-rich