Monthly rain falling on the Indian Ocean is mapped for the period 1979
through 1981 by means of observations of the Nimbus-7 Scanning Multic
hannel Microwave Radiometer. Both stationary and mobile parts were fou
nd in the pattern of rain. The stationary part consisted of three zona
l and two meridional bands. Only one, the band along and south of the
equator, maintained a strong presence through all seasons. A north equ
atorial counterpart to this south equatorial band also was persistent,
but weak. The mobile part of the pattern took the form of a wave. The
locus of this wave was an eastward-tilted figure eight, which straddl
ed the equator. The wave moved clockwise along the north loop of the f
igure eight, counter-clockwise along the south loop. The crest of the
wave crossed the equator from south to north in May or June and crosse
d the equator from north to south between August and October. Along it
s path the equatorial bands were alternately amplified and damped, and
the transient bands were activated and suppressed. The effect of the
bands and wave was to produce a strong ''monsoon'' (annual cycle, summ
er peak) signature in rain falling over both the northeastern and sout
hwestern reaches of the Indian Ocean.