Ten chondrites with chemical and mineralogical similarities to the car
bonaceous chondrite Renazzo were recovered at two locations of the Sah
ara: Acfer 059, 087, 097, 114, 139, 186, 187, 209, 270, and El Djouf 0
01. Although the El Djouf location is more than 500 km away from the A
cfer location, all samples appear to result from a single fall based o
n chemical and petrographic similarities and supported by light elemen
t stable isotope geochemistry, noble gas record, and similar Al-26 con
tents. The Acfer-El Djouf meteorite is classified as a CR (Renazzo-typ
e) carbonaceous chondrite. This group presently comprises three non-An
tarctic members (Al Rais, Renazzo, Acfer-El Djouf) and five Antarctic
meteorites. The major lithological components of the Acfer-El Djouf me
teorite are large chondrules (up to 1 cm in size; mean diameter: 1.0 /- 0.6 mm), chondrule and mineral fragments, Ca,Al-rich inclusions, Fe
Ni-metal (about 8-10 vol%), and dark inclusions embedded in a fine-gra
ined fragment-bearing groundmass. Mineral compositions of the ten Acfe
r-El Djouf samples are similar to those of other CR chondrites. Most o
f the Ca,Al-rich inclusions are below 300 mum in size and rich in meli
lite and spinel. In some CAIs the rare phase CaAl4O7 is dominant. Fo-r
ich, Cr-bearing olivine (Fa0-4) and enstatite (Fs0-4) are the major ph
ases of the chondrite. The meteorite is mildly shocked with a shock st
age of S2 indicating a peak shock pressure of 5-10 GPa for the bulk me
teorite. The oxygen isotopic compositions and carbon and nitrogen stab
le isotope geochemistry of the Acfer-El Djouf samples are very similar
to those of the other CR-type chondrites. The major element compositi
on of the Acfer-El Djouf meteorite is indistinguishable from CR chondr
ites. When compared to Renazzo the Acfer-El Djouf samples, however, ha
ve systematically lower contents of the moderately volatile elements Z
n, Ga, As, Au, Sb, and Se, and the highly volatile elements Br, C, and
N. This is thought to reflect primary differences between Renazzo and
the Acfer-El Djouf meteorite.