A 4-year-old Japanese boy with an intracranial lipoma above the surfac
e of the left centroparietal lobes is reported. Paresthesia occurred i
n the right lower extremity. This symptom continued for 30 min and rec
urred several times a day. Three weeks after onset, the paresthesia di
sappeared spontaneously. Ten months after onset, generalized tonic sei
zures occurred. Routine cranial computed tomography at onset revealed
no remarkable lesion, but subsequently full scans, including the slice
at the top of the cerebrum, revealed low-density areas on the surface
of the left centroparietal lobes. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imag
ing revealed a hyperintense area in the same regions. The intensity of
these areas was decreased by the fat saturation technique; therefore,
an intracranial lipoma at a very rare site was diagnosed.