Myocardial contusion may present as a benign nonclinical event or a li
fe-threatening emergency. Although cardiac output is recognized to be
decreased with major contusion, the contribution of hypovolemic shock
to myocardial dysfunction is unclear. This study was designed to evalu
ate the relationship between myocardial contusion and hypovolemic shoc
k. After Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized, contusions were admini
stered at either 80 psi or 120 psi. Half of each group then underwent
hypovolemic shock. After 24 hours of recovery, cardiac hemodynamics we
re studied in each subgroup using the Neely-Langendorff apparatus. Iso
enzymes and histology were evaluated as well. The data showed that rat
s undergoing hypovolemic shock in each subgroup had a significant decr
ease in cardiac output when compared with their controls. This decreas
e was more pronounced in the 120-psi group. Cardiac isoenzyme levels w
ere elevated in all groups. Microscopic evaluations showed contusion i
n the controls and necrosis in the shock groups. Patients whose injuri
es are compatible with myocardial contusion and hypovolemic shock shou
ld be resuscitated quickly and evaluated for myocardial dysfunction se
condary to infarction.