The purpose of the study was to evaluate the clinical behavior of cera
mic class-II inlays (Dicor) in the first 2 years after placement. As a
reference, a similar number of dental amalgam restorations were follo
wed up during the same period. Twenty-five inlays and 25 dental amalga
ms were placed on premolars and first molars of 20 and 19 patients (15
-19 years old), respectively. The inlay preparations were made in acco
rdance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and the inlays were pr
oduced by a licensed Dicor laboratory. The inlays were luted, using a
glass ionomer cement. The dental amalgam preparations were made using
standard class-II preparation techniques and filled with ANA 2000. The
inlays were evaluated after 6, 12, and 24 months, and the dental amal
gam restorations after 24 months, using the criteria suggested by Ryge
. In addition, the 24-month examination included proximal recording of
dental plaque and gingivitis. With the exception of two inlays that f
ractured during the observation period, all ceramic inlays showed exce
llent ratings for anatomic form, marginal discoloration, and marginal
caries at all examinations. Two inlays showed minor marginal defects b
ut were classified within the range of acceptance with no need for rep
lacement. The two fractured inlays were replacements of earlier fractu
red dental amalgams. The clinical behavior of the dental amalgam resto
rations was in most respects similar to that of the ceramic inlays. Un
like the inlays, however, no dental amalgams fractured during the obse
rvation period. No significant differences in the amount of dental pla
que or the degree of gingival inflammation were noted between the cera
mic inlays and their contralateral control surfaces or between the cer
amic inlays and the reference material of dental amalgam restorations.