Three theorems on regularity of measure-valued processes X with branch
ing property are established which improve earlier results of Fitzsimm
ons [F1] and the author [D5]. The main difference is that we treat X a
s a family of random measures associated with finely open sets Q in ti
me-space. Heuristically, X describes an evolution of a cloud of infini
tesimal particles. To every Q there corresponds a random measure X(tau
) which arises if each particle is observed at its first exit time fro
m Q. (The state X(t) at a fixed time t is a particular case.) We consi
der a monotone increasing family Q(t) of finely open sets and we estab
lish regularity properties of X(t)BAR = X(taut) as a function of t. Th
e results are used in [D6], [D7] and [DIO] for investigating the relat
ions between superprocesses and non-linear partial differential equati
ons. Basic definitions on Markov processes and superprocesses are intr
oduced in Sect. 1. The next three sections are devoted to proving the
regularity theorems. They are applied in Sect. 5 to study parts of a s
uperprocess. The relation to the previous work is discussed in more de
tail in the concluding section. It may be helpful to look briefly thro
ugh this section before reading Sects. 2-5.