Relationships between fuel composition and four secondary measures of
diesel fuel ignition quality have been established. Composition has be
en defined in terms of the fractions of C-13 n.m.r. intensity attribut
able to n-alkyl carbon (C(n)) and aromatic carbon (C(ar)). The indicat
ors of diesel ignition quality are: a secondary engine test based on a
n Institute of Petroleum standard (IP41); an index calculated using bo
iling point and specific gravity data based on ASTM D976; a calculated
index based on aniline point; and a diesel index (IP21) calculated fr
om aniline point and specific gravity. It has been found that all four
cetane quality indicators can be adequately described by a very simpl
e property-composition relationship of the form, P = aC(n) + bC(ar) c, where P is the property in question and a, b and c are coefficients
determined by multiple linear regression using a sample set deriving
from a diverse range of petroleum and synthetic fuel sources. The ceta
ne quality indicator based on ASTM D976 has been found to give a disti
nctly pessimistic view of ignition quality for highly naphthenic diese
l fuels, such as are produced via coal liquefaction.