Humic acids from lignite deposits in Bulgaria were characterized with
respect to the concentration of oxygen-containing functional groups. T
he following ranges were determined, in mequiv g-1: total acidity 5.1-
6.8; carboxylic groups 3.5-4.5; phenolic OH groups 1.6-2.3; ketone gro
ups 4.0-2.0; quinone groups 1.0-1.3; and methoxyl groups 0.3-1.3. Yiel
ds of high- and low-molecular fractions were monitored by g.p.c. on Se
phadex G-50. The molecular mass for the lower molecular fraction was a
pproximately 4000 u. On the basis of the elemental composition, molecu
lar mass and distribution of oxygen in functional groups, a concept fo
r lignite humic acid structure was developed.