J. Flores et al., SET-UP AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE PIXE FACILITY AT ININ, MEXICO, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 75(1-4), 1993, pp. 116-119
A description of the set-up and improvements incorporated in the Insti
tuto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ) PIXE facility is pre
sented, The ion beam used is provided by a 12 MV tandem Van de Graaff
accelerator. The main changes include installation of a set of quadrup
oles at the entrance of the PIXE line, relocation of the scattering fo
il, and inclusion of newly designed slits and collimators for beam con
trol. The beam size was checked along the PIXE line for acceptable div
ergence and was found in good agreement with the predicted size obtain
ed from a local computer simulation program. In addition, a new detect
or mount incorporates fine adjustments so as to facilitate the accurat
e positioning of the detector at all times. Changes resulted in a gene
ral improvement of the facility and a gain in confidence and reproduci