To investigate the effect of gender on catecholamine responses to hypo
glycaemia, single-step euglycaemic-hypoglycaemic clamps have been perf
ormed in 14 healthy men and 17 women. Adrenaline responses were 44 % l
ower in females (p < 0.01) and noradrenaline 17% lower (p = 0.08). In
response to low-dose intravenous insulin infusion (0.3 mU - kg-1 . min
-1), plasma glucose fall and counterregulation in seven men and seven
women had a different course (p < 0.001), with different glucose kinet
ics. In men, endogenous glucose output recovered quickly to levels tha
t exceeded basal; in women suppression of endogenous glucose output wa
s more prolonged, without rates ever exceeding basal (p < 0,05). Perip
heral glucose uptake was stimulated in men only. The hormones of acute
glucose counterregulation (catecholamines and glucagon) did not diffe
r between the sexes during this challenge, the catecholamine response
in the women being supported by the continuous fall in plasma glucose.
These results suggest that: 1) catecholamine responses to moderately
controlled hypoglycaemia are diminished in women, and 2) peripheral in
sulin sensitivity in men is enhanced over that of women but hepatic se
nsitivity to insulin may be greater in women.