Analysis of experimental results and published data within the framewo
rk of the suggested mathematical model of ion-osmotic homeostasis reve
aled dependance of a variety of cell parameters on temperature. It is
shown that a cold-induced drastic increase in the base concentration o
f cytoplasmic Ca is determined, on the one hand, by supression of the
transport processes responsible for Ca removal from the cytoplasm, and
, on the other hand, by increase of calcium fluxes, both from outer me
dium and from cell organelles. The cold-induced variation in the ratio
of permiabilities for Na and K ions was found, that can be determined
by the activation of different calcium- and potential-dependant chann
els or by formation of membrane flaws. Except the flow of calcium ions
through appropriate selective channels, the delivery of calcium into
cytosole through the membrane flaws, actively induced by cell cooling,
can not be excluded. The formation of nonselective transmembrane chan
nels was promoted by lipid peroxidation and proteolisis, which are ind
uced by an increase in the basal concentration of calcium. The new app
roaches for protecting the cell from cold injury are discussed.