The atmosphere plays a key role in plant disease, but only recently ha
s it become understood that atmospheric pollutants can influence the r
esponse of plants to attack by pests and pathogens. This paper reviews
the evidence for this phenomenon, considering impacts of sulphur diox
ide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone, mainly on fungal pathogens and aphid
pests. Field observations in polluted areas have indicated changes in
abundance of pests and pathogens and in some cases a causal link has b
een demonstrated in controlled experiments. A major study is described
in which consistent marked positive impacts of SO2 and NO2 have been
shown on a range of British agricultural aphid pests, using four diffe
rent approaches: fumigations, filtration studies, exposure along air p
ollution gradients and a nation-wide field survey. Ozone, in contrast,
produces a more complex range of responses. These effects are apparen
tly mediated via chemical changes in the plant. Fungal pathogens show
both positive and negative responses to air pollutants. A study is des
cribed in which these opposite responses in two different fungal speci
es were observed in a field SO2-fumigation system and confirmed in con
trolled laboratory fumigations. Models are presented to describe the c
omplex pathways by which air pollutants could influence host plant per
formance via impacts on pests and pathogens.