The safety and efficiency of microwave power transmission from solar p
ower satellites (SPS's) is constrained by the existence of beam sidelo
bes. These sidelobes contain power that is wasted, and that may be haz
ardous to surrounding populations. The amount of power in the sidelobe
s can be minimized by varying the intensity of the beam across the fac
e of the transmitting antenna, a process known as beam tapering. A fam
ily of beam tapers is examined, and recommendations are made on the ba
sis of tradeoffs involving maximizing the amount of power in the main
lobe, minimizing the peak beam intensity at both the transmitting ante
nna and the rectifying antenna (rectenna), and minimizing both the rec
tenna size and the size of the exclusion zones (unsafe areas) around t
he rectennas. The effects of frequency scaling is discussed, and sever
al different microwave safety standards are considered.