Objectives: Implant retained overdentures utilize a wide range of atta
chments to provide the retentive forces for implant retained overdentu
res. Such attachments attempt to minimize the functional stresses at t
he implant-overdenture interfaces. Study selection: Clinical experimen
ts with strain gauges can monitor the types and magnitudes of deformat
ion that appear in the underlying surfaces. Clinical results have show
n that fixed and removable prostheses perform differently in type, mag
nitude and direction of the applied load from laboratory tests. There
is good correlation between short term clinical experiments and long t
erm clinical follow-ups of prosthesis provision. Removable prosthetic
superstructures perform at a lower level of overall functional rigidit
y with increased risk of deformation. Factors that influence the loadi
ng patterns and surface straining are the incorporation of an internal
metal frame, the rheological properties of the foodstuff, the occlusa
l position of the teeth and the degree of fit of the prosthetic supras
tructure and the implants. Conclusions: The prognosis of implant retai
ned overdentures is maximized when the number of fixtures used is high
, a rigid bar design is used and functional flexibility is incorporate
d in the prosthesis design. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.