Negative muon capture in Si-28 was used to determine the angular corre
lation between the neutrino and the 1229 keV gamma-ray from the de-exc
itation of the 2201 keV 1(+) level in Al-28. To suppress backgrounds i
n the HPGe detectors, a coincidence was required with the 942 keV gamm
a-ray in the de-excitation cascade detected in a Nal array, The extrac
ted angular correlation coefficient alpha is 0.360 +/- 0.059, consiste
nt with previous measurements. Using a recent shell model calculation
employing a full Is-Od model space and the USD empirical interaction,
this value of alpha implies a value for the induced pseudoscalar coupl
ing of g(p)/g(a) = 0.0 +/- 3.2, substantially smaller than the predict
ion of PCAC and pion-pole dominance. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Sc
ience B.V.