The present study is concerned with the questions of controllability a
nd stabilizability of planar networks of vibrating beams consisting of
several Timoshenko beams connected to each other by rigid joints at a
ll interior nodes of the system. Some of the exterior nodes are either
clamped or free; controls may be applied at the remaining exterior no
des and/or at interior joints in the form of forces and/or bending mom
ents. For a given configuration, is it at all possible to drive all vi
brations to the rest configuration in a given finite time interval by
means of controls acting at some or all of the available (nonclamped)
nodes of the network and, if so, where should such controls be placed?
Alternatively, a control objective is to construct energy absorbing b
oundary-feedback controls that will guarantee uniform energy decay. It
is demonstrated that if such a network does not contain closed loops
and if at most one of the exterior nodes is clamped, exact controllabi
lity and uniform stabilizability of the network is indeed possible by
means of controls placed at the free exterior nodes of the system. On
the other hand, examples are presented to demonstrate that when a clos
ed loop is present in the network or if the network has more than one
clamped exterior node, it may happen that approximate control of the n
etwork to its rest configuration is not possible even if controls are
placed at every available node of the system.