The diffusion of aluminium in single-crystal silicon has been studied
in the temperature range 1000-1290-degrees-C. A low implantation dose
(1 X 10(14) Al cm-2) was used to avoid dopant precipitation and a high
energy (6.0 MeV) to reduce the influence, if any, of the surface. The
experimental profiles, measured by spreading resistance, have been fi
tted taking into account the escape of Al from the Si surface into the
ambient atmosphere. A pre-exponential value of 8.88 cm2 s-1 and an ac
tivation energy of 3.44 eV have been found in this experiment. When al
uminium is implanted through a capping layer, a reduction of the resid
ual amount has been observed at medium energy (300 keV), while no diff
erence has been measured at high energy (6 MeV).