Study objective: To demonstrate that a complete and rapid clinical his
tory can be obtained using a self-administered, bilingual questionnair
e. Design: A post-test experimental design was used to evaluate time s
pent obtaining the history and information completeness for the two gr
oups. Setting: Urban county emergency department. Participants: All pa
tients were non-English-speaking Hispanic women who presented with gyn
ecologic complaints. Methods: Fifty-five patients completed a history
questionnaire in Spanish on a form that displayed their responses in E
nglish on the carbon copy. In the control group, a history was obtaine
d using a bilingual interpreter. Results: Average completion time was
significantly less (t= 14.38; P< .0001) for the experimental group (ch
i2 = 5.67 minutes; SD, 1.89) than for controls (chi2 = 14.58 minutes;
SD, 4.19). There was no statistical difference in review criteria for
documentation between groups. Conclusion: Using a bilingual questionna
ire to obtain a clinical history results in more rapid patient evaluat
ion without affecting the quality of information obtained.