The study of the powder diffraction diagrams of die LixNiPS3 intercala
tes has been reassessed using the highly sensitive INEL curve detector
. This detector used in the Debye-Scherrer geometry and with a monochr
omated radiation allowed the accurate recording of the air sensitive n
ickel thiophosphate intercalates powder diffraction patterns and their
subsequent processings, an experiment never done before. The study sh
owed that the intercalation proceeds according to a macroscopic biphas
ed mechanism, which was not found in previous works. The two phases im
plied are the starting phase NiPS3 and die fully reduced end-compound
Li2NiPS3. For this latter material, monoclinic and hexagonal cell para
meters are proposed. The study of the pristine phase's Full Width at H
alf Maximum diffraction line variation during lithium intercalation sh
ows that the non-intercalated grains are sensitive, through microstrai
n broadening or/and size decrease, to the formation of the Li2NiPS3 in
tercalate. These results answer earlier conflicting observations, in p
articular about the quasi-equilibrium discharge curves.