The aim of this study is to determine the effects of posterior chamber
implantation on angle structures. First, without previous knowledge o
f the position of lens haptics, 360-degrees gonioscopy was performed a
nd any changes in the angle structures were recorded. Then, the pupil
was dilated to determine the exact position of the intraocular lens ha
ptics. The apposition of peripheral iris to angle structures or, at le
ast, the narrowing of the angle corresponding to the lens haptic posit
ion was observed in almost all of the 117 examined eyes, with no diffe
rence found between bag and sulcus implantation. Peripheral anterior s
ynechia overlying the lens haptic was observed in 49 (41.8%) of 117 ey
es. Interestingly, we also noted that there was marked and well-limite
d clumping of pigment in the angle at 6 o'clock position in 67 (57.2%)
of 117 eyes. In conclusion, we feel that posterior chamber intraocula
r lenses are not completely innocuous to the angle structures.